Hello, I'm


Aspiring Web and Mobile Developer | Electrical and Electronics Engineer

About Me

A little bit about me

Started coding during my Polytechnic days in SP and since then, I never stop exploring the world of coding.

Followed by graudating in the year 2020, as an Electrical Engineer in NUS with the passion to create value to the society through innovations and coding.

Till now, I have managed to picked up langauges such as Python, Java, SQL, BashScript, HTML and CSS.

When I am not coding, I enjoy spending my time playing sports, gymming and playing mobile games.


National University of Singapore

Bachelor of Engineering in Electrical Engineering (with Honours)

August 2016 - December 2019

  • Focus area in Electrical Engineering
  • Second Major in Innovation and Design
  • Varsity member of NUS Tchoukball

Singapore Polytechnic

Diploma in Clean Energy

April 2011 - May 2014

  • Diploma-Plus: Certificate in Business
  • Varsity member of SP Tennis (2014-2015)

Work Experience

  • Software Engineer, NCS Pte Ltd

    May 2020 - Present

    • Implemented enhancement on the exisitng functions
    • Providing support for various government agency
  • Electrical Design Engineer, Structo Pte Ltd

    May 2018 - July 2018

    May 2019 - August 2019

    • Developed Printed Circuit Board (PCB) and testing of electrical concepts to enhance the performance of the 3D printer
    • Proposed solutions to counter and improve the inconsistency in intensity of UV light in the 3D printer.
    • Designed and built various jigs to improve overall printing and quality inspections of teflon material.


GrindStone's E-commerce

Collaboration with Singapore's local spice company, GrindStone, to provide them an E-commerce mobile application to improve their sales and outreach of customers.

Sport Scoreboard
Sports Scoreboard

All-in-one sport scoreboard to test out Kotlin and Java in Android Studio

Online Portfolio

Journey to improve my coding skills. Follow to see progresses

Contact Me

Feel free to connect with me!